MP for Iskandar Puteri, Lim Kit Siang was present at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters yesterday to give a statement concerning an alleged SOP violation at a book launch on 11 January.
This followed a photo that went viral showing Kit Siang, author Kee Thuan Chye, and Muar MP Syed Saddiq on stage without face masks.
His political secretary and lawyer Syahredzan Johan, said that Kit Siang went to cooperate with the police and give his statement. When contacted, he said that Kit Siang’s statement was taken and that no compound had been issued.
In a press conference outside the police headquarters, the DAP veteran explained that he took off his face mask only because a photographer had requested to take a photo of the trio.
“There was a picture (of them without masks) that was a result of the cameraman asking for it, and we complied. After that, we put our masks back on.”
In addition, Kit Siang said that to his knowledge, no masks were taken off during the rest of the event.