Sri Tanjong Assemblyman Chan Foong Hin yesterday criticised the Sabah Forestry Department (SFD) Director Sam Mannan for misleading the public by providing contradicting explanations on the alleged illegal logging activities in the Andrassy Forest Reserve in Tawau Hills Park.
Chan pointed out that according to the statement by Sam Mannan in September last year, it was learnt that “the estimated site clearance for the geothermal power plant (Tawau Green Energy) will be about 150 hectares”. Given the average yield of virgin jungle at 50cubic metres per hectare the maximum logs felled should be 7500 cubic metres. However the official answer from the Sabah State Assembly was that 20,049 cubic metres were felled, exceeding the log output for 150 hectares.
However, based on the official answer from State Assembly, 6,563 logs or 20,049.55 cubic metre were felled from June 2013 to March 2014, which has exceeded the possible maximum logs output for 150 hectares.
“Both answers were given by the similar department. So which figure we should take?” Chan emphasised also that the figures of logs felled and the logging area should be accounted for.
“Some of my friends from the timber industry have told me that in one trip, a logging truck can easily carry 30 cubic metres,” he added that a rough estimate of 10 trips per day from the site for 25 days would be sufficient to carry away all 7500 cubic metres from 150 hectares.
“So why are the logging activities carried out from June last year until now?” Chan asked.
From the satellite photo (right) of the logging area from Google Maps, he highlighted a road that was developed for logging transportation.
Under the Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) practice, only access roads of a maximum width of 15 metres are allowed in the logging area, prompting the Sri Tanjung Assemblyman to question the SFD director’s approval of the road opening , which he claims is wider than 15 metres. He also added that one or two access roads would suffice for drilling work at the geothermal site.
Repeating his call for the SFD Director to conduct a joint site visit, Chan said that he had never intended to project a negative image on the ongoing first geothermal power plant project in the area, but that it is imperative for authorities to respond to the complaints from the people pertaining tonnes of logs being transported out of the first class forest reserve.
“SFD must conduct a joint site inspection together with all stakeholders, involving the local community, elected representatives and environmental NGOs, within two weeks after this statement was issued. Failing which, it is reasonable to doubt that Sam is trying to cover up any misconduct of stepping over the boundary in the site clearing works.” he said. -TheRocket