DAP continues to fight for the rakyat and urges the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government to give moratorium extension for another 6 months, up until 31 March 2021.
This extension is sorely needed in order to help the rakyat and Malaysian businesses to survive in the scathing economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Called “aduanmoratorium” and accessible in four languages, we will help collect information from borrowers all across Malaysia and take up their financial woes straight to:
- Bank Negara Malaysia.
- Federal government.
- Finance Ministry.

This campaign is aimed at collecting responses from the public who have issues applying for moratorium extension from the banks. DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bagan clarified in a press conference in DAP Headquarters today,
“Many have gone to the banks now and gotten no approval for their extensions. Hence we hope this portal will help them as there are 7.7 million Malaysians who have loans and over 3,000 small and medium enterprises that are affected by the pandemic and in need of financial aid,”
Complaints and responses received will be analyzed and sent to the relevant bodies in order to get their claims done so that their moratoriums are extended.
Lim further iterated,
“The government does not know how bad the situation is on the ground. Everyone knows it’s very bad,”

However, it seems that the PN government need to be reminded that the ordinary rakyat are suffering. Their ignorance are clear for everyone to see, especially when we see a minister carelessly going overseas and breaking quarantine with no serious repercussion.
“But those going on holiday in Turkey won’t know this. He can travel what? The problems are for those at the grassroots level,”
The data collected from the portal will be used to strengthen our case that an extension of moratorium is seriously needed. In fact, this would help a whopping 7.7 million Malaysians and 300,000 businesses, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
The aduanmoratorium portal can be accessed via this link here.