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Najib’s imaginary 1MDB profits

Last week I said former Finance and Prime Minister Najib Razak was making a complete fool of himself by …

Keeping options flexible for Pakatan Harapan (PH) moving ahead

The Barisan Nasional (BN) won 40 out of 56 state seats (71%) to win the Johor elections with more …

Every single vote counts in Johor

Every vote counts in PRN (Pilihan Raya Negeri) Johor as there is no clear-cut front runner There are some …

Gender inclusivity takes center stage at DAP’s 17th National Congress

The Democratic Action Party (DAP) has continued to show its progressive ideology in the 17th DAP National Congress which …

Don’t get distracted by “Malu Apa Bossku?”

Do Not Let Najib Tun Razak Hijack The Johor State Elections With His “Malu Apa Bossku” Campaign That Overshadows …

What the people of Johor really want

6 Main Issues That Must Be Addressed By The BN/PN Government for The Johor State General Election After a …

Collective anger is the fuel for transformation

Many years ago, a friend persuaded me to give meditation a try. While sitting up straight, eyes closed, and …

New hope for Perling

The old ways are no longer working. We need a new deal. Reject the old, give the new a …

Najib Razak makes complete fool of himself in Parliament

Former Finance and Prime Minister Najib Razak continues to make a complete fool of himself by showcasing how financially …

Najib’s ridiculous claim on 1MDB should be withdrawn

Najib’s Baseless Claims In Parliament That The People Did Not Need To Pay A Single Cent Of Public Funds …