UMNO wanted to draft him when he came back from university, but Tunku Abdul Aziz preferred to assert his …
Inevitably one comes to the multi-million dollar question: will Pakatan Rakyat retain Penang in the next general election? The …
Helping the poor is a burden that Environment, Health and Caring Society Welfare exco and Sungai Puyu state assemblyman …
Youth and Sports, Women Development, Family and Community exco and Berapit state assemblywoman Lydia Ong clocks a hectic schedule, …
Pakatan’s agenda in providing the fairer sex a more equal access to opportunities has been manifest from day one …
In a highly politicised environment like Malaysia, religious and race recognition is often seen as a zero sum game …
As the executive councillor (exco) in charge of the local councils (LC) and traffic management, Penang DAP state chairman …
Years of incompetency and corruption under BN’s rule has resulted in the state government being broke financially; in 2008 …
Perlis was spared in the 2008 political tsunami. However things are set to change with the series of events …
In 2008, Kedah was the first of the newly-installed Pakatan Rakyat-ruled states to have a smooth transition to hassle-free …