2022 Chinese New Year message by DAP Secretary-General and MP For Bagan, Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 30 January 2022:

DAP wishes every Malaysian a Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year.
The last two years have been challenging due to the failed government’s response to the national flood disaster, Covid-19 pandemic, serial total lockdowns, inability to pull the economy out of the recession, inflation and escalating food prices, higher electricity tariffs for the business sector. The cost is high for the government’s failures with nearly 32,000 lives lost from Covid-19, 2.9 million infections and RM500 billion in economic losses as well as 55 lives and billions of ringgit lost from the recent floods.
Despite the lack of leadership and prevailing poor governance, DAP wishes to commend Malaysians for coming together as one nation to look after themselves and assist each other to overcome such disasters. Such efforts have not been helped by those who play up racist and extremist sentiments to cover-up their failures in managing the crises.
🐯🍊🧧 值此虎年新春到来之际,民主行动党向全国人民拜年,祝贺国人幸福安康,虎年行大运! …
Posted by Lim Guan Eng on Sunday, 30 January 2022
The willingness of Malaysians regardless of race, religion or background to help each other gives us hope that there is a future for everyone in our country. The resilient and enterprising spirit of the Chinese community who donated time, money and effort during these crises, demonstrates their patriotism and love for Malaysia and its people.
DAP hopes that the Federal government will stop ignoring and neglecting the aspirations of the Chinese community. As significant contributors to the country’s revenues, the Chinese community wants the government to respect diversity, reward hard work and be fair by ensuring that schools and the poor are helped regardless of race and religion.
Let us welcome the Year of the Tiger with a roar for a more prosperous year and filled with cautious optimism that our self-reliant spirit will reward those who are diligent and honest.
Stay healthy, stay fit and stay safe!