Press Statement
7th October 2021
Malaysians remain unconvinced with the assurances by PAS Minister for Islamic Affairs Idris Ahmad in Parliament yesterday that the religious rights of freedom of non-Muslims will not be affected by the proposed RUU355 and the bill to restrict the propagation on non-Islamic religions. Since PAS decided to break away from the late PAS leader Allahyarham Tok Guru Nik Aziz politics of moderation, tolerance and respect for non-Muslims, PAS had adopted a policy of hostility towards non-Muslims.
Further, PAS’ brand of extremism is highlighted by their support of the Taliban government in Afghanistan, which denies educational and employment opportunities to women. For Idris Ahmad to claim that this proposed new legislation will only be enforced on Muslims, such as the bill to restrict the propagation of non-Islamic religions, reminds us of the justification by religious extremist preacher Syakir Nasoha, spreading lies against non-Muslims, that his insulting and derogatory remarks against non-Muslims, were meant only for Muslims.
Questions will continue to be raised whether these proposed laws by PAS contravene the Federal Constitution? Where are the assurances from Law Minister Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar who had earlier denied that the Government intends to propose these laws? Wan Junaidi should clarify, especially when the Sabah and Sarawak state governments have openly declared their opposition towards PAS proposals.
Lim Guan Eng
DAP Secretary-General
MP For Bagan