Beginning with the notorious Sheraton Move to topple the democratically elected government, UMNO, PAS and Bersatu with the assistance of GPS Sarawak were in cahoots to form the Perikatan National government.
Without GPS’ pledge of support, Perikatan National would not have had the required majority to form the government, thus, GPS cannot say that they played no part in it!
Our claim that GPS is the proxy of UMNO and PAS in Sarawak, is further strengthened by PM Ismail Sabri stating that infrastructure projects in Sarawak will be disrupted if GPS is voted out of government.
Based on this, it is clear that GPS and PN have a special relationship that goes beyond state-federal ties and is similar to a proxy-master situation.
Let’s take for example, Dr Sim’s advice to Sarawakians to refrain from talking about the new policy that requires all Chinese Medical Halls and coffee shops to have additional license to sell alcohol because it is not applicable to Sarawak for the time.
What Dr. Sim fails to mention is that the Ministry of Finance does not state the exclusion explicitly in its circular with the intention of implementing it in the future.
Although, this policy is not applicable to Sarawak for time being, there’s nothing stopping it from happening in the future.
In fact, this is the same strategy adopted by the federal government in curbing Sarawak’s immigration control.
In the early days all Malaysian from other states needed a passport to enter Sarawak. But now any Malaysian can enter Sarawak without the need to produce passport documentation. The immigration ruling has been eroded bit by bit overtime and now is only used by the current state government to deny entry to individuals who are not aligned with the ruling party.
GPS and SUPP’s noticeable silence on SJKC in Pahang must have only their schools sign board in Bahasa Malaysia is another example of refrained action of the proxy when their federal counterpart does something that warrants reprimanding.
At the federal level, the fact that the culprits are not reprimanded and punished shows that they condone such actions. SUPP who self-claim to be the champion of Chinese schools were very quiet about it and didn’t raise a finger about the matter when it was brought up in Parliament by DAP. This implies that SUPP/GPS is either supportive or indifferent to the matter.

SUPP and GPS being indifferent to the NGO, namely the Federation of Peninsular Malay Students (GPMS), the Islamic Education Development Council (Mappim), and the Confederation of Malaysian Writers Association (Gapena) which has filed a court case to close down vernacular schools is also another stark example of GPS supporting extremist ideology.
Choosing to stay on the fence about this matter is probably due to the restrain meted out by their federal counterparts
The High Court has fixed Dec 29 to decide on a suit against the existence of vernacular schools in this country.
If the court finds in favour of those NGOs then all our Chinese schools including those in Sarawak will be closed!
All the above were some of their actions that blatantly shows directly and indirectly that GPS/SUPP is the proxy of PAS and UMNO in Sarawak!
Together with SUPP’s offer the right cheek policy, the so called non-Sarawakians related issues will be ignored because it will not affect Sarawak! The ban of 4D gambling had started in Kelantan and all those in other states were convinced that it didn’t concern them, but now it’s affecting Kedah, the second state after 20 years.
So, are we leaving it to chance that our grand children and great grand children be affected by such restrictive polices because we mistakenly believe it will never affect us?
I strongly urge all Sarawakians to give DAP and Pakatan Harapan a strong mandate to monitor the GPS government so that they will be pressured to do the right thing for the state.
Violet Yong
DAP Candidate for Pending N.10