Press statement by DAP Secretary-General and MP For Bagan, Lim Guan Eng in Penang on 9 September 2021:

DAP Secretary-General and MP for Bagan Lim Guan Eng has been accused of breaching his home quarantine requirement from 1st to 10th September by attending the Penang State Assembly on 2nd September. Lim has also been falsely accused of going out in public to distribute food parcels to his constituents on the 2nd, 4th and 8th September in his facebook posts. This is untrue.

Lim was only informed on 2nd September after attending the Penang state Assembly meeting that he was in possible close contact with a Covid-19 positive patient on 1st September. He had remained in his home under home self-quarantine after attending the Penang State Assembly on 2nd September and had subsequently tested negative. The Health Ministry officially issued on 6 September a home self-quarantine order from 1st to 10th September and required Lim to wear the pink wristband.
Lim had not gone out to the public to distribute food parcels after 2nd September.
The facebook posts of food parcel distribution done by Lim were done on several occasions on or before 31st August in his parliamentary constituency in Bagan.
DAP elected representatives Phee Boon Poh, Soon Lip Chee and Sateesh Muniandy who were present with Lim, as well as the recipients, can also attest to the food parcels distribution done on or before 31st August. The facebook posts of food parcel distributions were made not on the same day but several days after the event.