I echo UMNO deputy president, Mohamad Hasan in calling the government to stop the mandatory requirement for the public to register with MySejahtera effective April 1.

In fact, the government does not even need to explain the rationale for keeping the MySejahtera application beyond April 1 because there are simply no reasons for the tracking anymore and most scientists now believe the COVID-19 virus is here for good but could pose less danger over time – a status known as endemicity.
Just as we have already done away with the checking of body temperature, the government should also stop tracking people’s movement. This is basically an intrusion into people’s privacy.
Malaysians are already overwhelmed with the number of cold calls and unsolicited messages received on the phone every other day. The leak and misuse of personal data cannot be continued!
If Health Minister, Khairy Jamaluddin’s statement is true that the massive personal database is safe, secured and would not be utilized in any commercial way by MySJ Sdn Bhd, why then did the private company reportedly pay RM338.6 million for the MySejahtera app software licence? It is only natural for a private company to enter into any activity mainly for profit, especially when RM338.6 million was paid for a product.

It is time for the government to halt the direct ‘surveillance’ mechanism immediately after two years of the pandemic.
Thank you,
Lim Lip Eng
Member of Parliament for Kepong