OUR CANDIDATE| A ‘small town girl’ from Segamat, Ng Kor Sim has proven she has what it takes to be a responsible and principled elected representative for the people of Jementah.
Having spent her early years helping out her elderly father look after the family’s small business, this Johor candidate understands the trials and tribulations of the working class all too well.
The former community leader of Kampung Tambang made the most of her time in the two-year period when Pakatan Harapan was in office. Allocations received were used prudently to complete several developmental projects for the residents of Kampung Tambang.
These projects include resurfacing all roads in Kampung Tambang, roofing sports centers, reconstruction of a nursing home as well as a myriad of other community programs.
She has also proven herself as a more than capable leader, growing her family’s small business to over 100 employees today. What’s more, she is currently in the process of acquiring a bachelor’s degree after having made the selfless decision to quit her studies to return home and help her family out.
This Johorean has fought through many personal challenges to be here today, and we couldn’t be more proud of her representing DAP.
A single mother of a 7-year-old, she worked through her struggles by immersing herself in her community, and helping lift others out of their own difficult situations.
Her other accomplishments include being the Secretary General of JCI Muar in 2015, President of JCI Bandar Segamat in 2018, and the Director of Public Relations of JCI Malaysia in 2019. She was also a committee member of the Board of SMK Seg Hwa from 2019 to 2020.
So what motivates her to do her best everyday? She believes that complaining about how atrocious things have gotten in the country won’t do any good. She does however believe that change starts within, and being proactive is the only way forward.
She lives by Mahatma Gandhi’s words of “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”