DAP expresses grave concern at the recent extremist and racist attacks in social media and online posts against non-Malays and non-Muslims have intensified. DAP unreservedly condemns any religious insults against non-Muslims couched as a sermon by a religious teacher that has gone viral and a racist slur by a Bersatu politician against national women badminton player S Kisona.
Former Umno MP Tawfik Ismail has lodged a police report against a preacher for insulting and defaming Buddhists, Hindus, the Dayak community and other non-Islamic faiths in two separate videos believed to be part of the same sermon, shared by different accounts on Tik Tok and YouTube.

These repulsive religious extremist and racist comments are bad enough if hurled by unscrupulous politicians against political opponents but repugnant when targeted against innocent ordinary non-Muslim Malaysians or a non-Malay national badminton player trying her best to win her match for her country. Action must be taken against these individuals to demonstrate the government’s genuine commitment towards the Keluarga Malaysia concept of setting aside religious, racial and political differences to cooperate in developing the country together.
Lim Guan Eng
DAP Secretary-General