Pursuant to the MoU signed on 13th October 2021, four representatives from Pakatan Harapan formally joined the National Recovery Council meeting today. The four representatives are (a)YB Wong Chen (Keadilan – MP for Subang), (b) YB Chong Chieng Jen (DAP – MP for Stampin), (c) YB Datuk Seri Dzulkefly Ahmad (Amanah – MP for Kuala Selangor), and (d) YBhg Tan Sri Bernard Dompok (UPKO).
The three hour meeting was held in Lanai Kijang and chaired by YB Tan Sri Mahiaddin Yassin. The council was given an update on the Covid-19 pandemic, followed by a briefing regarding challenges faced by SMEs, and another briefing on emergency food relief.
All four Pakatan Harapan representatives provided various inputs and policy suggestions in the said meeting.
Pakatan Harapan will continue to adopt a bipartisan approach and constructively engage and take part in the national recovery process. The next National Recovery Council meeting is expected to take place two weeks from now.
Joint Statement
YB Wong Chen
YB Chong Chieng Jen
YB Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad
YBhg Tan Sri Bernard Dompok