Before Dato Richard Wee purports to speak on behalf of the Chinese community in supporting GPS, he should declare his personal and business interest with the current GPS government, particularly Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB).
Dato Richard Wee is a Director and Non-Executive Vice Chairman of Hubline Berhad whereas Dato Haji Ibrahim bin Haji Baki is a Director and Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors for Hubline Berhad. Dato Ibrahim Baki is also the Deputy Secretary-General of PBB. Both Dato Richard Wee and Dato Ibrahim Baki have a substantial interest in the shareholdings of the Hubline Berhad.

Since 2018, the Hubline Berhad has also acquired Layang Layang Aerospace Sdn Bhd, which operates six (6) units of helicopters and nine (9) units of fixed-wing aircraft covering predominantly Sabah and Sarawak. Its principal business activities are private chartering, emergency medical services, flying doctor services, aerial sightseeing, surveys, mapping and photography, and transportation of passenger and cargo. While Dato Richard Wee can count on the elites and the Sarawak State Government as potential customers, unfortunately, most of the Chinese community can only dream of this.
Besides Hubline Berhad, both Dato Richard Wee and Dato Ibrahim Baki are also in the same Board of Directors of Supreme Consolidated Resources Berhad, a multi-million company registered with the Registry of Companies. Therefore, it is obvious that Dato Richard Wee is closely connected to PBB through his business connection. With such a close business background and connection with PBB, it is only natural that Dato Richard Wee would want to see the continued victory of PBB in the coming Sarawak State Elections.
However, not many amongst the Chinese community are as fortunate as Dato Richard Wee to be able to rub shoulders and have such close business connection with the top leaders in PBB.
Dato Richard Wee claims that the GPS is sincere in defending the rights and interest of Sarawak. In GPS, we have a coalition who is a ‘Jaguh Kampung’. In Sarawak, GPS cries the loudest and make themselves holier than thou by claiming they are ‘Sarawak First’ when in truth, they carry an ‘Elite First’ mentality. But he conveniently seems to have forgotten that these are the same people and political parties who have surrendered Sarawak’s rights and allowed Sarawak to be short-changed for the large part of the past 57 years. GPS had been afforded too much time to defend our interest and yet have failed repeatedly. Since 2014, the late Tan Sri Adenan Satem had been fighting for Sarawak’s rights. The Sarawak State Legislative Assembly even unanimously voted to support this notion back in 2014 but until today under the leadership of Abang Jo, we have yet to see any fruits to the efforts.

Dato Richard Wee also seems to have turned a blind eye to GPS’ collaboration with PAS and UMNO to form the federal government. While GPS champion themselves to be for the people, they actually only care about themselves. In public GPS dance around to the tunes of all religions but as the time passes, they take off those dancing shoes, throw it at the faces of all Sarawakians and embraced racism and extremism. Through the participation of GPS, PAS is now empowered to pursue its Islamisation policy and the declaration that Friday is “Jawi Day” nationwide is just a sign of things to come from this extremist group.

While Dato Richard Wee was extremely vocal against the PH Government for introducing three (3) pages of Jawi words in primary 4 Bahasa Melayu textbooks which were both optional and not-examinable, it is surprising that he is now quiet and subservient to the declaration of Friday as “Jawi Day”. Just like his fellow SUPP members, they have all lost their voice of conscience.
DAP respects the freedom of expression and association, but also adhere to the principle of transparency. In the present case, it means that Dato Richard Wee is free to express his opinion and/or association with any political party. We only ask that he be frank and make full disclosure of this association and business connection to the GPS government before he makes any purported “independent” comment.
Michael Kong Feng Nian
Special Assistant to YB Chong Chieng Jen