My biggest thanks for all leaders of PH, DAP and the wonderful people who turned out to express sympathy, support and solidarity for Betty and me this morning in Butterworth court. You have all turned up in full compliance with the COVID-19 SOP. They wanted to shame us and break us but you have shown your faith in our innocence and integrity.
The latest charges against us are baseless because a new open tender was called and Magnificent Emblem Sdn Bhd(MESB) was not granted the project. Why charge us when another company, and not MESB, was awarded the project? Clearly this is politically motivated.
I am upset my wife is charged because she is acting as a legal consultant. Why drag my wife into the picture when she was earning a honest living with hard-earned fees as a lawyer? By involving my family members, this is political vengeance.
She did not possess highly priced jewellery, hundreds of luxury watches, hundreds of expensive branded handbags or tens of millions of ringgit in cash. Again, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) did not find any corruption money in our bank account or in the form of cash. Where then is the corruption?
We do not practice corruption. We have always opposed corruption. These latest charges will make us more determined to turn adversity into strength to fight corruption. Let us have faith that with courage, truth and justice shall prevail.
DAP Secretary General
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