Media Statement by Khoo Poay Tiong, Member of Parliament for Kota Melaka on 25 June 2020
MySalam is a free health protection scheme introduced by the former Pakatan Harapan government.
Since it was introduced, MySalam has provided financial protection for 4.3 million Malaysians against critical illnesses and hospitalisation. Those eligible can receive direct cash payments of RM8,000 and claim hospitalisation benefits to the sum of RM50 per day.

The MySalam scheme is supposed to be widened to the M40 group this year, i.e. those with a gross annual income of up to RM100,000. Registration for M40 took place earlier this year and ended on 31 March 2020.
However, M40 applicants who have registered have not received any updates although almost 3 months have passed since the registration ended.
The MySalam website currently states that the MySalam initiative for eligible M40 applicants has been postponed to a date which will be announced later.
I call upon the government to state the current status of MySalam, especially for the M40 which should have been implemented.
Is the new government continuing the MySalam programme or has it been stopped?
Any delay or refusal by the government to widen MySalam to the M40 means those who are eligible will be denied their right for assistance when they fall ill.
Khoo Poay Tiong
Member of Parliament for Kota Melaka