



事情的缘由是当雷尔在国会的问答环节询问教育部长是否会在课本记载希盟领袖的贡献时,巫统华玲国会议员阿都阿兹先是抛出 “淡米尔之虎(LTTE) 的争议”,引发了第一轮骂战,行动党峇都加湾国会议员卡斯杜丽也站起来力挺雷尔。









Saya digantung dari parlimen? Mengapa?

Saya digantung dari parlimen? Mengapa?I received a two-day suspension from the Dewan Rakyat Speaker earlier today. The incident happened after Tajuddin Abdul Rahman (MP Pasir Salak) from UMNO said that the “ashes” on the forehead of my colleague, RSN Rayer (MP Jelutong), are “ashes from Chin Peng”.This is not just an extremely derogatory remark against my colleague RSN Rayer (MP Jelutong), but also an insult towards the Hindu community and attack against the religious practices.The Speaker then accepted Tajuddin Ramli’s withdrawal without any punishment, although he was still laughing about the matter. In his own words, he said “oklah, tarik balik lah… apa masalah?” and showed no remorse.I stood up to strongly to protest against the decision. I believed that the speaker was setting a negative precedent because this means that any MP can make a derogatory statement that insults other religion and get away with it by just withdrawing the statement later.I also informed the speaker that this was not the first time Tajuddin uttered such derogatory remarks in the Dewan Rakyat. Unfortunately, the speaker then decided to suspend me from parliament for two days for creating a “ruckus”. Tajuddin was also then suspended, and he openly challenged the Speaker to suspend him for a longer period.I harbour no ill feelings against the Speaker, but as I’ve said before leaving the Dewan Rakyat, let it be on record that this is not the way to conduct the proceedings of the Dewan Rakyat and to ensure its integrity. How can we allow an elected MP to utter a derogatory and insulting remark against the Hindu community in the Dewan Rakyat without any action taken?If this is the price that I have to pay for standing up against racist insults and defending the rights of all Malaysians, so be it. I challenge BN, especially MIC and MCA, to come out and state if they agree with the insult made by their colleague, Tajuddin Abdul Rahman.为什么我会被驱逐出国会,禁足2天?这部影片内交代了整起事件的来龙去脉,巴西沙叻国会议员的言论简直不尊重印裔同胞,必须交由国会特权委员会处置。广大的网民,你们认同巴西沙叻国会议员达祖丁的所作所为和言论吗?

Khoo Poay Tiong (邱培栋)さんの投稿 2019年12月2日月曜日



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